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​​Cagna, C. J., Bhanji, J. P., Smith, D., Delgado, M. R., & Tricomi, E. (2024). Decisions to seek cognitive performance feedback: Potential determinants of feedback value and consequences for learning. Learning and Motivation, 88, 102051.

Link​ PDF

​Ameden, W. C., & Tricomi, E. (1970, January 1). Historical and modern perspectives on the neuroscience of habits. SpringerLink. 

Link PDF

Ameden, W. C., Tricomi, E., & Heintzelman, S. J. (2024). The role of planfulness for well-being, stress, and goal disruption during COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 15. 

Link PDF

Cagna, C. J., Dobryakova, E., Raizberg, D. A., Bhanji, J. P., & Tricomi, E. (2023). Subjective valuation of performance feedback is robust to trait cognitive fatigue in multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 75, 104754.


Cagna, C. J., Ceceli, A. O., Sandry, J., Bhanji, J. P., *Tricomi, E., & *Dobryakova, E. (2022). Altered functional connectivity during performance feedback processing in multiple sclerosis. NeuroImage: Clinical, 37, 103287.

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Ceceli, A. O., Meyers, C. E., & Tricomi, E. (2020). Demonstrating and disrupting well-learned habits. PLOS ONE, 15(6), e0234424

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Ceceli, A. O. Natsheh, J. Y., Cruz, D., & Tricomi, E. (2020). The neurobehavioral mechanisms of motivational control in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Cortex, 127, 191-207.

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Ceceli, A. O., Esposito, G., & Tricomi, E. (2019). Habit expression and disruption as a function of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomotology. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1997.

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DiMenichi, B. C., Ceceli, A. O., Bhanji, J. P., & Tricomi, E. (2019). Effects of expressive writing on neural processing during learning. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 13, 389.

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DiMenichi, B. C., Lempert, K. M., Bejjani, C., & Tricomi, E. (2018). Writing about past failures attenuates cortisol responses and sustained attention deficits following psychosocial stress. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, 45.

Link  PDF

Ceceli, A. O., & Tricomi, E. (2018). Habits and goals: a motivational perspective on action control. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 20, 110-116. 

Link. PDF

Sullivan-Toole H, Richey JA and Tricomi E (2017) Control and Effort Costs Influence the Motivational Consequences of Choice. Front. Psychol. 8:675. 

Link. PDF. 

Dobryakova, E., Jessup, R.K., & Tricomi, E. (2017). Modulation of ventral striatal activity by cognitive effort. NeuroImage, 147, 330-338.

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DiMenichi, B. C. & Tricomi, E. (2017). Increases in brain activity during competitive

learning predict decreases in working memory performance and later recall. Human Brain Mapping. 38 (1), 457-471

Link. PDF

Lempert, K.M. and Tricomi, E. (2015). The Value of Being Wrong: Intermittent Feedback Delivery Alters the Striatal Response to Negative Feedback. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 28(2): 261-274.

Link. PDF.

DePasque, S. and Tricomi, E. (2015). Effects of intrinsic motivation on feedback processing during learning. Neuroimage, 119, 175-186.

Link. PDF.

DiMenichi, B. C., and Tricomi, E. (2015). The power of competition: Effects of social motivation on attention, sustained physical effort, and learning. Frontiers in Psychology, 6, 1282.

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Tricomi E. and Lempert, K.M. (2014). Value and probability coding in feedback-based learning task utilizing food rewards. Journal of Neurophysiology, 113(1), 4-13.

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DePasque Swanson, S. and Tricomi, E. (2014). Goals and task difficulty expectations modulate striatal responses to feedback. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 14(2), 610-20.

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Dobryakova, E. and Tricomi, E. (2013). Basal ganglia engagement during feedback processing after a substantial delay.  Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 13(4), 725-36.

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Lempert, K.M., Porcelli, A.J., Delgado, M.R., and Tricomi, E. (2012). Individual differences in delay discounting under acute stress: the role of trait perceived stress. Frontiers in Psychology, 3, 251.

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Tricomi E., and Fiez, J. A. (2012). Information content and reward processing in the human striatum during performance of a declarative memory task. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 12(2), 361-372.

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Liljeholm M. M., Tricomi E., O’Doherty J. P., and Balleine B. W. (2011). Differential effects of action-reward conjunction and disjunction.  Journal of Neuroscience, 31, 2474-2480.

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Tricomi E., Rangel A., Camerer C. F., and O’Doherty J. P. (2010). Neural evidence for inequality-averse social preferences.  Nature, 463(7284), 1089-91. 

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Tricomi E., Balleine B. W., and O’Doherty J.P. (2009). A specific role for posterior dorsolateral striatum in human habit learning.  European Journal of Neuroscience, 29(11), 2225-32.

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Tricomi E. and Fiez J. A. (2008). Feedback signals in the caudate reflect goal achievement on a declarative memory task.  Neuroimage, 41(3), 1157-67. 

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Tricomi E., Delgado M. R., McCandliss B. D., McClelland J. L., and Fiez J. A. (2006). Performance feedback drives caudate activation in a phonological learning task. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18(6), 1029-43.

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Tricomi E., Delgado M. R., and Fiez J. A. (2004). Modulation of caudate activity by action contingency.  Neuron, 41(2), 281-92.

Link. PDF.

*co-senior authors

Chapters, Invited Commentary 
Book Chapters:


Tricomi, E. and DePasque, S. (2017). The Role of Feedback in Learning and Motivation. In Recent Developments in Neuroscience Research on Human Motivation: Advances in Motivation and Achievement, 19, 175-202. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.  Book Chapter. 


Tricomi, E. and Sullivan-Toole, H. (2015). Fairness and Inequity Aversion. In Toga, A. (Ed.) Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference. New York: Academic Press. Book Chapter.


Delgado M. R. and Tricomi E. (2011). Reward processing and decision-making in the human striatum. In O. V. (Eds.), The Neuroscience of Decision-Making (pp. 145-172). New York: Psychology Press. Book Chapter.


Invited Commentary:
DiMenichi, B. C. & Tricomi, E. (2016). Are You Smarter Than a Teenager? Maybe Not When It

Comes to Reinforcement Learning. Neuron, 92, 93-99.  PDF


Forbes: "How writing about past failures may help you succeed in the present" by Alice G. Walton, March 2018 

Science News: "Analyzing past failures may boost future performance by reducing stress," March 2018

Newsweek: "How to reduce stress: Write about your past failures and analyze them, study suggests" by Janissa Delzo, March 2018 "Why a journal is so good for you: Confronting your past failings on paper helps calms anxiety in the future," by Jaleesa Baulkman, March 2018

ReThink Group press release, “Recover from a Trading Mistake through Writing” by Denise Shull, May 2016


Scientists Find First Physiological Evidence of Brain's Response to Inequality - Rutgers Today

Recover from a Trading Mistake through Writing - The Rethink Group (Blog Post)


Learning and Decision Making Lab

Rutgers-Newark Psychology Dept

4-103 Smith Hall

101 Warren Street

Newark, NJ 07102

© 2016 by Elizabeth Tricomi
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